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Jackie Alberg

Jackie is the newest addition to The Fifth Element Art Gallery! She makes unique basketry, some are functional, some are art, but all are beautifully woven! And she makes beautiful paintings.

Artist Statement

I began as an artist about 40 years ago. The medium I chose was acrylics but my sister, who was also an
artist urged me to switch from acrylics to oils. I am so glad I did because that is where I have felt the
most comfortable. I love the colors oil paints produce, their deep hues, and the way they go onto the
surface so smoothly as I paint, whether it be a canvas or board. I also like the opportunity to mix so
many different colors with only a few primary ones. I feel great accomplishment when I view a finished
painting and know “I got what I wanted” from the oil medium.
Of course, my artistry does not end with oil painting, I am also a basket maker. I began basketry initially
by attending an evening class offered at our local community college night class. I thoroughly enjoyed
basketry and sought more and more, progressing into exclusive types of basketry, including wicker
basketry and then antler basketry.
As I approached antler basketry, I found that I classified it as a far more artistic avenue because I had to
create the basket using the antler for my inspiration….no patterns here. It has been trial and error at
times. One of my latest designs created with an antler sat half completed on my dining room table for 2
months until inspiration hit and came through to produce a wonderful imaginative design. I was so
happy to see it come to fruition!
I am called “Dream Weaver” because I create all my art, whether painting or baskets with the inspiration
and talent which I have been given by my Creator from above. He gave me the talent and He also gives
me the inspiration. I want to use all He has given me and give Him the glory for it. It is He that allows
me to share this with others.
I love art of any kind. I see so much in the creativity of the many forms of art all around us. I have tried
some of those forms of art but now am satisfied with the ones I prefer, oil painting and basketry. Each
of these chosen avenues of art manifests a part of me in the creativity of which I am blessed.
I have always been a perfectionist of sorts. It’s not that I do everything perfectly you see, it is just that I
do it until I feel very good about how it is, even if it is not perfect. I understand that I may never achieve
perfection, after all, only God is perfect, and we are here only to strive to be the best that He has
created us to be.
All my art and basketry are very personal, even to the level of mixed emotions within me when a piece is
sold. I am happy that someone enjoys and appreciates my work, but I am also sad to see the piece go.
The work I do is a part of me that goes home and rests there. My desire is to bring delight, peace and
joy to the home where it lies.
What better way to enjoy what you do?

Contact Jackie Alberg

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.



124 W Wisconsin Ave (2-й поверх)

Томагавк, Вісконсин 54487

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